Duration : 2007-2008


Project was Prepared by Dilek Volkan


Overall Objective To create an atmosphere for the young people to express themselves by arts, and to cooperate in arts by being together, and to change the ideas from negative to positive by arts. Organize Competitions for poster, and for Music File, Create an Interactive WEB Page for Young Forum.

Actions The participants can be the young people from Germany, Greece and Turkey. At the end of the competitions 15 works will be chosen from each category in each country, and the first 3 degrees will be chosen among these works. The young who has the degree in Germany, Greece and in Turkey, (6 from each country) will come together in the exhibitions of the all works of competitions in Germany & Turkey. Exhibition:

The results of the competitions were presented in Germany, Greece & Turkey by exhibitions.


  • Project preparation
  • Dissemination
  • Negociation with Delegation to Turkey of EU

Cooperation with Municipalities of some cities